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Explore urban foxes


Our projects are ordered in reverse chronology. You will be able to find more info 

by clicking the 'find out more' button. In case you would need more details or clarification, do not hesitate to go to our contact page. 

Erasmus+ KA2
From Youth dream to urban Green

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A wonderful youth project, based on the blueprint of the AUA, together with our partner from Oslo, empowering young people to become green catalysts.

Reshaping active citizenship to reshape our societies and co-create our cities. 


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The Academy For Urban Action

The Academy for Urban Action (AUA) is an experimental, participatory youth project on the crossection of urban pedagogy, sustainability education, active citizenship and placemaking. Supported by the Flemish Minister of Youth, Benjamin Dalle. 

Partners: Brussels Academy 





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European Solidarity Corps: Placemaking Youth

10 Young Urban Foxes, 12 months, one mission: Improving Brussels' Public Space by co-creating interventions & methods with stakeholders to transform our city in a  more livable and more inclusive place. A year long immersion into the topics of Placemaking, Urban Pedagogy and Inclusive City making 



Green youth



Green Youth's Promoters is an Erasmus+ strategic partnership in the field of Youth: organizations sharing best practices to support the young people's desire of actively participate in the protection of their environment. A project by partner organizations Associazione Uniamoci (IT) Onlus, Brigada do Mar (POR), Unesco Initiative Center (POL), Urban Foxes (BE). 

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Brussels' Action for New Konnections

Within the framework of VGC's urban idea competion Bruss-It, Urban Foxes succesfully won the grant to co-create mobile and module furniture together with design students. Creating an actual place to linger and enjoy, in a recently made car-free street, de Moutstraat, home of 4 schools.

Placemaking for Innovation

La Marina Valencia

Placemaking Consultancy & Workshop Facil

Urban Foxes was invited as Placemaking experts in a cross-sectorial team of experts rewriting the DNA of La Marina in Valencia. Thanks to the efforts of the team this place was transformed from a highbrow & exclusive place to a high quality public space full of opportunities for play, sports, encounter and relaxation. 

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Barcelona Superblocks: a toolkit for collabo-rative city making

Urban Foxes joined forces with Kaospilot and the Municipality of Barcelona to co-create a toolkit & guide on succesful participation in order to tackle the great challenge of creating Barcelona's superblocks. 

Erasmus+ KA1: Eco-Photo


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Erasmus+ Training Course on how to sensitise people and campaign to raise awaireness about the beauty of our nature & the impact of human kind on the ecosystems. 

Erasmus+ KA1: Eco-Building


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Erasmus+ Training Course in Valencia on building sustainable and organic housing & structures. Organized by Xeracion. 

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Erasmus+ KA1: 

Strangers like me


This training course in Bari on the inclusion of refugees, immigrants and newcomers in our cities & society was an amazing experience. This project had a great impact on our Young Urban Foxes & the lives of the locals. 



After the dreadful events in 2016, Urban Foxes decided to bring wonder, play and encounter to the center of Brussels. Bringing people together using play, poetry and music. Placemaking on water. 

Erasmus+ KA1 Training course: People for Cities


Erasmus+ Training Course on how we can co-create livable & inclusive cities and how to start and support grassroots movements & other bottom-up initiatives.

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Erasmus+ KA1 Training course:

  cities for people

Erasmus+ Training Course on how how human-scale, healthy and inclusive cities could & should look like. A wonderful exchange between 30 people from 7 different countries. 

We traders

Swapping city for crisis

The traveling exhibition project 'We-Traders. Exchange Crisis for City', was a collaboration between Bozar and the  Goethe Institut which brings together civil initiatives from artists, designers, activists, and many other residents 

from Lisbon, Madrid, Brussels,Toulouse, Turin and Berlin. Urban Foxes had the honor to be invited as one of the co-curators of this innovative exhibition. 

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Les Boulistes

Les Boulistes Bruxellois, with their mobile pétanque lane, create a soft spot in a concrete city. Through tactical urbanism they can transform a parking space into a place of play and encounter. 

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