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Our Child Protection Policy (CPP)


Urban Foxes' Child Protection Policy

1. Introduction

Urban Foxes vzw, hereafter Urban Foxes is committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment for all participants, including children. This Child Protection Policy outlines our commitment to safeguarding the rights and well-being of children involved in our activities and interactions.

2. Definitions

* Child: Any individual below the age of 18 years.

* Child Protection: The comprehensive framework of policies, procedures, and actions aimed at identifying, preventing, and responding to harm, abuse, or exploitation of children within our organization.

* Child Safeguarding: The proactive measures and strategies put in place to create a safe and protective environment for children, emphasizing prevention and awareness to ensure their wellbeing.

* Child Protection Focal Point: The designated individual(s) responsible for overseeing child protection within Urban Foxes' projects.

3. Principles

Urban Foxes is guided by the following principles in all interactions with children:

* The best interests of the child will be paramount in all decisions and actions.
* All children have the right to be protected from harm, exploitation, discrimination, and abuse.
* Children's voices and opinions will be actively sought and considered in matters affecting them.
* Project staff and participants are responsible for reporting any concerns related to child protection promptly.

4. Roles and Responsibilities

* Child Protection Focal Point: Urban Foxes will appoint a Child Protection Focal Point responsible for overseeing child protection efforts, maintaining policies and procedures, and ensuring compliance. The current Child Protection Focal Point is Bram Dewolfs, who can be contacted at The Child Protection Focal Point will serve as the primary point of contact for any child protection concerns, reports, or inquiries within the organization.
* Project Staff: All project staff are responsible for understanding and adhering to this policy. They should report any child protection concerns to the Child Protection Focal Point.
* Participants: Participants, including young people, should treat each other with respect and report any concerns related to child protection to project staff or the designated Child Protection Focal Point.

5. Code of Conduct

All project staff, volunteers, and participants are expected to adhere to the following Code of Conduct:

* Treat all children with respect, dignity, and kindness.
* Avoid any behavior that could be considered exploitative or harmful to children.
* Avoid engaging in any form of harassment, abuse, or discrimination towards children.
* Maintain appropriate boundaries with children and avoid any form of physical or emotional harm.
* Report any concerns or suspicions related to child protection promptly to the Child Protection Focal Point.

6. Screening and Training

Project staff and volunteers who may have direct contact with children will be subject to background checks and appropriate training in child protection: Urban Foxes requests the Criminal Record and Certificate of Good Conduct from all employees who work directly with the children and young people involved in the project.

7. Reporting and Responding

Any concerns or suspicions related to child protection must be reported immediately to the Child Protection Focal Point. The Child Protection Focal Point will investigate the matter and take appropriate action, which may include involving relevant authorities if necessary.

8. Confidentiality

* All information related to child protection concerns will be handled confidentially, with information shared only with those who have a legitimate need to know.
* Student, youth and children personal data are not collected unless extremely necessary.
* Any collection of personal data from students requires the previous authorization and signature of the students’ guardian, on a specific authorization form.
* Any collection of images or testimonies (audio or film) also requires the previous authorization and signature of the students’ guardian, on a specific authorization form.
* When collected, data are treated and disclosed in an aggregated manner.
* Data from our digital tools are encrypted.

9. Review and Updates

This Child Protection Policy will be reviewed regularly and updated as necessary to ensure its effectiveness in protecting children involved in the Urban Foxes' projects.

10. Compliance and Implementation

Urban Foxes is committed to implementing this Child Protection Policy effectively and ensuring that all staff and participants are aware of and adhere to its provisions.


By adopting this Child Protection Policy, Urban Foxes reaffirms its commitment to creating a safe and inclusive environment for children and young people involved in its activities. This policy sets forth clear expectations and guidelines to prevent and respond to any child protection concerns that may arise during the project's implementation.


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